Sunday, September 27, 2020

Workplace Bullying


Should I stay, or should I go?

I found some advice on on the subject of workplace bullies. It's something I wish I had found years ago. Knowing I was being bullied, and knowing it was not my fault was not enough. I'm sharing in the hope that you can be more proactive than I was. Sticking around had it's rewards, but I really question if it was worth it.

How Long Is Too Long to Stay at a Job Where You're Being Bullied?

According to Marianne Worthington, the founder of Work Warrior, a business that helps companies build healthy workplaces, "Three to six months. If the target is documenting appropriately, that timeframe should allow them to see if management or HR is going to act on their complaint." But if management is the bully in your case, then she recommends looking for another job as soon as possible.

Deb Falzoi, who educates employees, employers, and therapists about the dynamics of workplace bullying, "Workplace bullying works like domestic abuse—targets often don't see the abuse until their self-esteem and health have already begun to deteriorate, since abusers often convince targets they're the problem. So once targets realize they've been bullied, they have already been in the job too long. At that point, the goal is to preserve their health."

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