Saturday, February 26, 2022

All's Fair When You Win

 Autocrat's Tactics

When Trump spoke his praises in support of Putin after annexing more territory in eastern Ukraine, it should not have been a surprise. Extremist on the right have been cozy with Russians for years. For Trump. And the Republicans who support Trump, it is a deliberate political tactic. They want to project the image that Biden is weak, and only Trump can keep Putin under control.

Racist Attitudes

"The love affair between Russian and American extremists isn’t limited to individual relationships. Whole cultural exchanges are taking place between white nationalists in both countries, borne along by a current of swastikas, the Nazi “black sun,” and references to “88” (code for Heil Hitler) or “14” (code for the 14-word white supremacist mantra)." (splc 2018)

Trump's supporters in right wing media, like Tucker Carlson, agreed with his take on Putin. So did members of Trump's inner circle. "Now some of his supporters see an admirable figure in Putin. That includes Mike Pompeo, who served as secretary of state under Trump and recently called Putin “savvy” and “very talented." (Washington Post 2/23/22)

QAnon influencers have cast Putin in a positive light and believe he is now engaged in a fight against an international cabal of satanic pedophiles and "deep state" members who have interests in Ukraine. (Newsweek 2/24/22)

Speaking His Mind

It may seem like Trump may have spouted off, but what he says is  most often intentional and the product of the mindset driving his politics. 

Both Pompeo and Carlsen have stepped back their praise of Putin since the start of the invasion. Not Trump. He sees this as a chance for a divisive issue sure to appeal to his white supremacist base, while feeding conspiracies. Biden is weak. He is strong like Putin.

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