Monday, May 23, 2022

Deescalating Hate

 It Starts With Us

Take Action/Inspire Change

There's a United Way blog with eight things we can do personally to end hate. The blog was published to promote Nelson Mandela Day. 

Racial inequality and injustice were hiding in plain sight. Racism is now laid bare by a global pandemic and recent police violence in the U.S., South Africa, and throughout the world. "The systems and policies that cause health and economic disparities sprung from and are entrenched by the deep and enduring legacy of racism."

Mei Cobb's blog came up with eight actions we can take to inspire change.

  1. Register to vote and help others do the same.
  2. Examine and correct your own biases.
  3. Have conversations about race.
  4. Read to understand the history and impact of racism.
  5. Support anti-racism organizations.
  6. Advocate for laws that dismantle barriers to economic opportunity.
  7. Volunteer to improve the health, education, and financial stability of people living in poverty.
  8. Use your influence within your workplace and other organizations to address racial inequity.
  9. I would add another. Never give up.   

Seems pretty simple. What's in our way?  

We can only control what we do, how we react. Don't expect change overnight. Don't expect immediate change from others. Focus on their actions, their policies, not the person. Once you confront the person, the anger escalates. These nine actions are starting points. All are calls to action.


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