Thursday, September 15, 2022

Immigration Reform

 Immigration reform is up to Congress. 

Bipartisan deals on immigration have eluded lawmakers and presidents for three decades. The last big immigration bill was passed in 1986 when Ronald Reagan was president and both houses of Congress were held by Democrats. A smaller bill was passed in 1990 when George H.W. Bush was president and both houses of Congress were still controlled by Democrats. (Brookings)

To blame the president, or fly immigrants to Martha's Vinyard isn't going to change the situation. It is disingenuous and merely political theater.

Would it unreasonable to assume that if we want anything meaningful to happen with immigration reform, the Democrats need to be in control of both houses of Congress? Otherwise we get cynicism, and political posturing that plays off fear and hatred.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully with complete Democratic control, immigration reform could happen. All they need to do is bring back the 2013 Gang of Eight bill that had strong bipartisan support in the Senate and would have passed the House if it was brought to a vote.
