Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pfizer Shuts Down New London Research Center

Did you notice that Pfizer is shutting down the New London R&D Center? I guess all those houses torn down in the New London eminent domain case were lost for nothing.
You can hear more about the story on WNPR's website.
"Pfizer built the New London headquarters building in 2001, for an investment of more than $300m. And the city of New London agreed to acquire the nearby neighborhood of Fort Trumbull by eminent domain in order to build a complementary development – the ill-fated plan that lead to the Supreme Court case of Kelo versus New London." Pfizer says there will be no layoffs in Connecticut. The jobs at the New London site will be moved to Groton. Meanwhile KWMU reports that Pfizer is laying off 600 in St. Louis.

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