Monday, March 1, 2010

Healthcare Debate on Public Radio

Living in a state that leads the country in the cost of healthcare insurance costs has peaked my interest. This year rates for those in healthcare plans will go up about 13%, and rates for those who get health insurance individually will go up more than 20% in Connecticut. There is rational discussion about the debate. I found it on public radio.

  • The Takeaway offered some fact checking on the statements made by our leaders at the Summit.
  • The GOP is saying they were set up by the Healthcare Summitt. That is, they were set up to lose more than the filibuster. The issue of a reconciliation bill came up. There's a lot more about that from On The Media.
  • On Morning Edition, Steve Inskeep interviewed Cokie Roberts this morning about next steps for reform minded Democrats. The Democratic leadership is pondering a reconciliation bill to get around the issue of a filibuster.
I found this coverage to be much more informative than the televised summit. The summit was filled with political posturing. The analysis offered by public radio gave me insight.

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