Thursday, April 8, 2010

‘Journalism Centers’ Raise Fairness Concerns

Not everyone is pleased with CPB's funding of Journalism Centers. An editorial in the Nashua Telegraph says the grants offer an unfair advantage, undermines competition, and may not be good journalism. "But there’s something questionable about using federal dollars to expand coverage of news, and in this case, local news."
The Telegraph's conclusion is "The project is supposed to help reverse the disappearance of journalism job (sic). But, as executed, it seems just as likely to accelerate their disappearance." 
The editorial does not point out that "The Journalism Centers" will need to become self sustaining to survive past the end date of the grant. 
Something else that the opinion piece does not make you aware of is that fact that the Journalism Centers are regional efforts focused on particular issues that are affecting the populations served by each of the stations within a larger geographic area. The Centers will not be focusing on town council meetings, the school board, accidents and fires. The definition of local for the Telegraph and these public radio stations are not the same.

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