Friday, September 23, 2011

IS HD Radio Fading Out?

Deep within the post from Inside Tuscon is a paragraph about the diminishing choices on HD Radio.  David Hatfield writes, "The smooth jazz music on the Mountain's KWMT 92.9-2 HD channel still wasn't functioning this week. It has now been nearly a month that it has been off the air.
Among Tucson radio broadcasters, only Clear Channel and Arizona Public Media are continuing to offer multiple broadcasts using the digital technology that's been branded as HD radio.
In the case of Clear Channel, it's down to just the additional broadcast of Spanish language pop music station Mia on KRQ 93.7-2 in addition to its main channel KTZR 97.1-FM.
I guess I might as well face facts: HD radio is in its last throws. Too bad. It seemed like a good idea."
Perhaps the reason why is the paragraph below about the new apps being offered by Clear Channel. Has mobile media led to the demise of HD Radio? Another big reason is the poor penetration in the marketplace of HD sets at home and in the car.

Do you have insights into why HD just isn't catching on?

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps it boils down to the economics of listeners investing in digital technology. While the analog radio spectrum exists, there's no real impetus to go out an purchase a new radio. NRSC-5B would need the same push as Digital Television and there's just no money for the Government in re-selling the AM/FM radio spectrum.

    I asked my wife about the Mobile Media issue. She replied by plugging her flash drive into her Fiat 500 radio and saying, "My music, No commercials, No mindless banter." I felt the knife slide slowly into my old DJ's heart...
