Sunday, December 18, 2011

A Call to Shut Down MPTV?

An opinion piece in the Milwaukee Journal/Sentinel calls for major changes in the way Milwaukee Public Television is funded. According to the piece by John A. Bernaden taxpayer support makes up 75% of the station's budget.

MPTV is run by Milwaukee Area Technical College. In a struggle over control of the station, MPTV disbanded their independent Friends organization.

Bernaden makes three suggestions for change.  The first is to hire an independent nonprofit organization to manage the station.  The second is to make an alliance with the other Technical College districts in Southeastern Wisconsin. The third would be to shut the service down.

What MATC and MPTV. is not that unusual. I come from the world of community licensees where we raised almost all of our own funds. What is unusual is that MPTV depends on 75% tax support.

John A. Bernaden might have an agenda of his own. He is former chairman of MPTV Friends Inc.

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