Monday, December 19, 2011

Putting On-line Numbers in Perspective

I was looking at the most emailed stories from NPR today. (You can find the list here.) It struck me that the numbers listed are quite small when compared to those who listen to these stories in their cars, at home or on-line. I'm not  trying to diminish the importance of sharing the stories but, live broadcasts and streaming still generate a much larger audience. 

According to research figures released by Ben Robins at NPR, In Spring 2011, we see that the total number of persons who tune in each week to an NPR member station holding at or near record-high levels. The weekly audience to NPR Stations* has reached a new high of 34 million listeners each week.  (You can read more here.)

34 million represents radio listening. The figures remain steady. What's the point? Put on-line usage in perspective when you decide how to use your resources. The vast majority of your listeners still use the radio.

*NPR stations are a mix of newsmagazine and music-only stations (which carry the NPR Newscasts).
Ben Robins is the Research Manager for NPR Programming.

1 comment:

  1. At the Arbitron/Jacobs Media Summit a couple of weeks ago, Bob Pittman, CEO of Clear Channel (and founder of MTV) repeated what he had said before, "we don't have a 'digital strategy,' we have a strategy."

    All of it is important - and you become what you measure. Broadcast listeners are still very important - and measured.
