Friday, December 9, 2011

The Platform Matters

I recently sent out a post about WOSU's decision to sell its AM signal. WOSU had recently transitioned its news audience to 89.7FM. The change was made possible after the station had purchased another FM signal and moved classical programming to that signal.

The transition to FM for the news programming was, unfortunately, 25 years late. The radio platform preferred by the Boomers (NPR's prime market segment) is FM radio.

I'm spending some time helping with the production of the Real Life Survival Guide. One of the goals of the program is to continue the conversation on-line. We were frustrated by the scant participation through the program's website. (Of course, there's that scary moment when we thought nobody cared.) Through the help of our web guy, Gary Choronzy, "the new RLSG / Facebook comment integration is now live. what this does is synchronize site comments with FB conversation threads. to see it in action, see Bruce's latest post:"

We're trying to increase awareness of the program and increase participation by utilizing Facebook...the platform used by most of our listeners.

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