Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Updating Media Skills

Something really interesting happened last week with the Planned Parenthood - Komen controversy. The response on Facebook, Google+ and Twitter using shared information (curating) changed the result.

I'm taking some courses on marketing and new media. I've only just begun. I know enough to, perhaps, do more damage than good. The courses have got me thinking about the ways public media can use social media.

In Public Radio (public media) we've been looking for ways to attract a younger and larger audience. We've been looking for the right combination of programming (format) to attract that audience. The answer might not be on the air. Or, maybe it already is. The quality content of public radio (public media) put on the right platforms can grow the audience. NPR is already doing this. I'm speaking of content created locally. This is content already being created. Thoughtful selection and sharing the content through social networks will expose the content further. This is only a theory. But, it's easy to do and inexpensive. Because of that it has a lot of potential.

The starting point is to put the content being creating on the platforms used by the public radio audience and measure the results. See if you can take advantage of the curatorial power of social media to expand the audience.

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