Friday, September 14, 2012

Integrity - Core Value

When posting on the Connecticut Re-Employment Group (CREG) site, I was asked to provide and example of the importance of integrity. I did mention it is one of my core values. There are so many aspects to integrity. It would depend on which aspects I want to focus on. When accepting the separation agreement from the local public broadcasting company after 21 years, the CEO special mention of my integrity.

As General Manager and Program Director (and fundraiser), I was the arbiter between marketing, radio programming and the audience. I was responsible for revenue streams for the corporation. The financial goals and objectives of the company did not always make sense in terms of serving radio's highly educated and highly loyal audience. At times I needed to balance the financial needs of the company against the needs of the audience. What I did was to look for ways to make those demands work in terms that work for radio and its audience. I can't go into detail on specifics because there aspects of the working relationship that cannot be divulged. But the management team and I looked at ways of making sure the integrity of the firewall between funders and the content remained intact while meeting the needs of those funders.

Did it work? You bet. In my last three years we saw significant gains in audience, audience loyalty, listener donations, corporate support and foundation partnerships. That would not have been possible without keeping the integrity of our relationship with our listeners (listener expectations) and our funders.

For more on integrity go here:

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