Thursday, September 13, 2012

Looking for Direction

Core Values Still Matter

I listened to a very interesting discussion today at a round table at CREG, The Connecticut Re-Employment Group. I'm asking myself, again, what is at my core. What motivates and excites me? It started some thoughts on core values. Those values are why I got into Public Broadcasting.

Public Broadcasting is a very narrow field. To do that again would mean moving across the country. I cannot do that right now.  It leaves me in a place where I'm looking outward to other fields. Those core values include:

      Believe in Civil Discourse
      Inspired by Public Life and Culture

These values align well with the socially engaged audience we served. These values can be summed up by a desire to make a difference. These values can result in the ability to communicate core values to key constituencies. Is this applicable anywhere? I hope so.
The challenge for me is to translate these values into a new direction.

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