Sunday, September 3, 2017

Making Pies for Texas

Pecan Pie is a favorite among the people of Texas. Rooby Dooby's is  thinking of donating income from the sale of Pecan Pies toward relief efforts there. We would like your input. Do you like the idea? Would you be willing to order a pie? Let us know. By the way, you can have your pie with whipped cream of ice cream, but my favorite topping is bourbon sauce.

This comes at a time when the Pecan Growers are trying to increase consumption of the nut.  In an article in the Western Farm Press, Janet Helm of the Weber Shandwick ad agency which markets pecans on behalf of the American Pecan Council (APC) says, “We need to shift the view of pecans and get people to enjoy them all year long.”

When it comes to top of mind for consumers, the peanut still comes out on top. The APC is trying to change that.

In Texas the pecan has significance beyond pie. According to Wikipedia, In 1919, the Texas Legislature made the pecan tree the state tree of Texas where the town of San Saba claims to be "The Pecan Capital of the World".

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