Thursday, May 30, 2019

Lying Politicians/Feet to the Fire

Lying About Brexit

Politicians stretch the truth all the time. Sometimes they out-and-out lie...repeating the lie over and over. What if we could really hold them accountable, especially when their lies lead to dire consequences?

A private prosecutor in Great Britain is accusing Boris Johnson of lying in the run-up to the Brexit vote. Apparently it was a whopper. Johnson has repeatedly claimed that Britain paid £350 million a week to be in the European Union. A claim that was rebuked by the head UK's Statistics Authority, calling it a clear misuse of official statistics.

Johnson, who is running to replace Theresa May, must now face charges of misconduct in public office.
There's more on this from NPR.

Boris Johnson Is Ordered To Face Accusations That He Lied To The Public

Imagine what it would be like if we could do that here?

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