Sunday, June 2, 2019

Creative Barriers

The Recurring Dream

Over the past two weeks I've had variations on the same dream. I'm hire by a public radio station, given the charge to make things happen, only to discover there are endless barriers in place. Without resources...without commitment from the top, change can become more than difficult. The dream has a basis in my actual experience.

"We can't do that because we've always done it this way." "If you want the resources you need, find them, because we have other priorities." "Not now (not ever?)"

I guess I have unresolved issues, but there are things you can do to empower creative people. I found this at Robert Half.

Give employees a reason to care

The fact is, if people aren’t feeling connected to your company, there’s little incentive for them to be innovative.

Empower your employees to make decisions and take action

People who are trusted to take safe risks and attempt new ways of doing things just may stumble across that next great business solution. .

Don’t make staff jump through hoops

You may think that it’s easy for employees to offer their ideas, but is it really? If managers are constantly behind closed doors and meetings tend to be one-way discussions, the message to staff is that their feedback isn’t welcome.

Do what you can to remove the red tape

Consider which internal processes might be stifling innovation. 

Rethink competition

Setting up contests for individuals at work can be useful for goals such as achieving sales targets. However, be cautious about creating too competitive of a work environment when you’re trying to encourage innovation.  

Calm the naysayers

A key reason people often hesitate to offer fresh proposals is that they worry what others might say.  

Ease up

Employees who’ve been working sixty-hour weeks for months on end aren’t very likely to make notable contributions other than completing basic assignments.  

Make preventing burnout a high priority

Developing programs that promote work-life balance, such as offering telecommuting or paid time off for volunteer work, can help.  

Set the example

Recognize that as a leader, you are the model for the entire team.  

Do what you can to minimize your own stress so you can be at your best

It stands to reason that a relaxed, positive mood is more conducive to innovative thoughts than a tense one. Whenever possible, don’t skip your lunch break, and take a head-clearing walk when you need to recharge.

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