Thursday, June 13, 2019

Feed Your Mind/Expand Your Understanding

Echo Chambers

Do you think in the age of social media it is easier to be loose with the truth?

Has Social Media limited our ability to think for ourselves?

Politics and Rage

Theoretically, liars should easily be exposed by a well informed community of social media users. But that doesn't seem to be happening in many cases. There are leaders who continually feed the rage machine and their loyal followers continue to lap it up. They continue to reinforce their views with half-baked theories and and base their opinions on flawed premises. Yes, everybody is entitled to their opinion, but when their opinion does not match the facts... what then? Double down? Dig in?

A Better Way

I grew up in an atmosphere of free and open debate. We focused on policies instead of personal attacks. I was encouraged to investigate, to listen, to learn. Is this happening anymore? 

Enlightenment comes when our minds are open.

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