Sunday, August 22, 2021

Climate: On the edge

Devine Intervention 

To you, O Lord, I cry. For fire has devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and flames have burned all the trees of the field.

- Joel 1:19

I understand Joel's plea for Devine intervention, but that's not how it works.

We are still looking for some greater power to step in and save us today. It's part of the appeal of Donald Trump. "Only I can fix this." It's the fantasy and appeal of the Marvel Universe. In that universe, super heroes step in and save us. It's not going to happen.

Looking to God to justify or save us from our perilous state is an excuse to do nothing. We're shifting the blame to a much greater force when the blame lands squarely on our shoulders.

Maybe God is calling all of us to do something about this. We can overcome our plight if we work together. After all, we created this mess.

According to the climate change report put out by the UN, "Humans are "unequivocally" to blame, the report from the scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said. Rapid action to cut greenhouse gas emissions could limit some impacts, but others are now locked in." The report goes on to say, "Unless immediate, rapid and large-scale action is taken to reduce emissions, the average global temperature is likely to reach or cross the 1.5-degree Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) warming threshold within 20 years."

Republicans complain any action we take will cost jobs. Weigh that against the very real possibility that waiting will have lethal consequences.

The point is, we can no longer wait for intervention. We must act. It may be the ultimate act of loving our neighbor.

Voice of the day (Sojourners)
Human-induced climate change is already affecting many weather and climate extremes in every region across the globe.

- Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (August 2021)