Sunday, March 20, 2022

Awful Truth

A Dark Heart

 We are witnessing a horrible truth. We arm ourselves with our beliefs, our words, and our actions to the point of mutual destruction. The barbaric measures being employed by Putin and his troops are the result of insular thinking. Thinking that only I know the way. Only I have the the answers, and anybody who would dare disagree is vermin, scum and traitors, impure, and deserve to be destroyed. His threats of using supersonic missiles and bombs, capable of knocking out underground shelters have already become a reality. His plan seems to be to flatten Ukrainian cities. The death of civilians is incidental, because they are subhuman (see the names). He rarely calls his enemies by name. 

Mutual Destruction

So far, the western allies have refrained from direct armed response, but how much longer will that restraint hold. During the Cold War there was mutual restraint. It was called mutually assured destruction. It kept the US and Soviet Union from from stumbling into a hot war. Historians refer to the nuclear arms race of the Cold War as an example of Mutual Assured Destruction since it was clear to both the United States and the Soviet Union that if either attacked the other, then it would ultimately lead to total destruction for both. 

Putin has already used chemical and biological warfare in previous confrontations, he has made clear he will use supersonic weapons, and now threatens the use of nuclear weapons. He blows up civilian targets, hospitals schools and cultural sights. Putin justifies it all because he sees himself as on a mission from God to save democracy from the hedonist western alliance. 

Brut force is a means to an end.

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