Saturday, March 19, 2022

Quick Guide to Autocracy


What is an example of an autocracy?

Nazi Germany is an example of an autocracy run primarily by a single leader and his party. Indonesia under the Suharto's New Order (1966-1998). Greece under the military junta of Georgios Papadopoulos (1967–1974).
What type of government is autocracy?

An autocracy is a form of government in which one ruler has absolute control and decision-making power. Autocracies have existed since ancient times, when kings and emperors ruled over great countries and tribal lands, and they exist today in the form of absolute monarchies and dictatorships. Jan 28, 2022 National Geographic

Does Russia have an autocracy?

Features. The tsar himself, the embodiment of sovereign authority, stood at the center of the tsarist autocracy, with full power over the state and its people. The autocrat delegated power to persons and institutions acting on his orders, and within the limits of his laws, for the common good of all Russia. Wikipedia Communist Russia and the Soviet Union under Stalin was autocratic.

Is Vladimir Putin an Autocrat?

Yes, according to the Atlantic, The BBC, The Journal of Democracy, CNN, The Brooking Institute, The Economist, Politico, Forbes and many more. Other autocratic countries includeChina, Iran, Kazakhstan, Laos, North Korea, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Turkmenistan...

Is Trump an autocrat?

Autocracy is certainly his leadership style, and the leaders he admires most are autocrats. Shawn M. Burn Ph.D. thinks so. In her article for Psychology Today she writes of The Perils of Trump's Autocratic Leadership Style. Her points:

  • Autocratic (authoritarian) leaders use, and often abuse, their coercive power to get people to do their bidding.

  • Another problem is that using threats or intimidation to foster loyalty often backfires. Superficially, you may have the loyalty and respect of your subordinates, but it is not the real thing, driven as it is by fear rather than true respect.

  • Another problem with autocratic leadership is that it lends itself to poor decision-making. Trump’s insistence on the unquestioning loyalty of those in his administration is also a set-up for groupthink and consequent poor decision-making.

Democracy in Retreat

Democracy has been in decline for the past 15 years and Putin has been behind the decline. And yet, Putin sees himself as the champion of democracy.

"Putin has spent more than two decades consolidating power, rebuilding Russia’s military and weakening his enemies. He has repeatedly undermined democratic movements and popular uprisings, including those in Syria and Belarus. He has meddled in Western elections. And he has deployed Russian troops to enforce his will, including in Georgia and Crimea.

The invasion of Ukraine — the largest war in Europe since World War II — is a significant escalation of this behavior. The country’s fall would mark a violent end to one of the world’s democracies." German Lopez, NYTimes

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