Monday, August 13, 2012

Huffington Post Live Launched Today

Huff Post Live launched today. It's a live stream. According to founding editor Roy Seakoff it's about conversations not citizen journalism.

Hazel Sheffield wrote about the launch for CJR (Columbia Journalism Review). Her article really helped me. I just dropped into the the service. She was able to frame it for me.

HuffPost Live Launches

I agree with Sheffield about the challenges facing the service, not the least of which will be coming up with engaging content 12 hours a day, five days a week. When I dropped in they were talking with contributors about the effect unemployment is having on 20 somethings who find themselves moving back in with their parents. When I dropped in later they were talking about is algebra necessary?

You can watch...and perhaps...participate here:

Is there a way for traditional media to come on board with an idea like this?

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