Wednesday, August 29, 2012

SOU Takes Control Of Jefferson Public Radio

Jefferson Public Radio's 22 stations will fall under the control of Southern Oregon University. The deal announced this week ends a dispute between former JPR head Ron Kramer and the University. JPR ran some of the stations.

The issue came to boil after an audit suggested that Kramer's dual role as head of the JPR Foundation and Director of JPR were a conflict of interest. That issue came out of effort by Kramer and JPR to purchase a theater in Medford, Oregon. The Theater was to serve as the new headquarters for Jefferson Public Radio.

The situation became contentious. Governor John Kizthaber called in a mediator. In the agreement the University and Foundation agreed to drop legal claims against Kramer and, Kramer agreed not to sue them.

There's a lot more information in articles published by and The Mail Tribune.

Foundation President Steve Nelson says selling some of the radio stations are a part of the Foundation's future plans.

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