Sunday, November 27, 2011

Broadcasters at Odds In Helena

Haggling over sharing agreement imposed by the FCC is holding up completion of a new radio station in Montana. Last Chance Public Radio Association and Calvary Chapel of Helena are ordered to come up with a sharing agreement. That has not happened.

The issue is further complicated by challenges by other religious groups including Family Stations, Inc. Family Stations gained attention this year for its prediction that the world would end May 21, and then another prediction that the world would end in October. There was conjecture that Family Stations, Inc was having financial difficulties after the Harold Camping prophesies proved false. (He has since apologized.)

Saying that this is complicated might be understating the issue. It could take years to sort out. All of this to reach a potential audience of about 29,000 in Helena.
You can read more here in

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