Wednesday, November 30, 2011

CrowdSourcing and CrowdFunding Combined

American Public Media Buys Spot.Us
American Public Media announced they have bought Spot.Us. APM will use Spot.Us within its Public Insight Network. uses crowdfunding to fund journalism. At their website they explain it this way:
Spot.Us is a nonprofit project to pioneer “community powered reporting.” Through Spot.Us the public can commission journalists to do reporting on important and perhaps overlooked topics. Contributions are tax deductible and we partner with news organizations to distribute content under appropriate licenses.

The Public Insight Network uses a network of 130,000 sources to add depth and texture to their coverage. PIN explains it this way:
Every day, sources in the Public Insight Network add context, depth, humanity and relevance to news stories at trusted newsrooms around the country. American Public Media provides journalists with the tools and training to tap our growing Network of more than 130,000 sources, engage their own audiences, and produce high-quality journalism. Using our industry-leading platform, journalists and citizens reach beyond pundits, PR professionals and polemics to inform themselves and each other, strengthening the communities they serve.

There's more information about the partnership at and

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