Sunday, November 20, 2011

WPR - St. Norbert Poll Creates Buzz

Check out the buzz surrounding the latest poll published by Wisconsin Public Radio and St. Norbert College. The poll comes at a time when the recall petition for Governor Scott Walker gains momentum.
I have a link to one of the stories here.

Wisconsin Public Radio is using the poll results for news stories, their Ideas Network and on-line. Poll results has also been picked up by media through out the state.

It's a remarkable partnership between two cultural institutions.

Other stories can be found by searching "WPR St. Norbert."
Here's a sampling of what I found...
From the Chicago Tribune  Poll shows most favor recall of Wisconsin governor
From WPR's Ideas Network 
From the Ashland Current
From the Huffington Post   WI-Walker Recall: 58% Remove, 38% Keep In Office (St. Norbert/WPR)
From WLS, Chicago Wis. Legislature approval rating rises to 37 pct.
From the Green Bay Press Gazette Approval ratings rise for Wisconsin Legislature

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