Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CBC May See $100 Million Budget Cut

Pledge to CBC looks shaky
The CBC is embroiled in controversy and, criticism from the right. With charges of secrecy coming from its main competitor Quebecor, they may now need to find ways to cut back. This despite promises from the new government in May that their budget was safe.
Take a look at this article in The Winnipeg Free Press and an editorial in the same paper.

1 comment:

  1. this follows on the heels of the BBC's cuts of 2000 employees over the next couple of years, and the cuts at Radio Nederland last year. I worked at the CBC in the late 80s, through 1990...we had a budget cut a year. The budget for Radio Music alone was $100 million (from which all of the recording & musician & rights fees came, along with operational costs). They are running two language networks on tv, fm music, fm radio and am radio, plus a variety of other smaller services. Singlehandedly, the CBC has created a place for the Canadian cultural identity to be built, one that has reached out globally as a result of allowing more voices to be heard, more widely.
