Friday, October 7, 2011

R.I. Latino radio station going 24/7

This is a win/win/win situation in Rhode Island. The Latino community gets full-time public radio service, The NPR station Providence gets the FM signal it was desperately seeking in Rhode Island's major market, and The Wheeler School keeps it's student station on the Internet while offering NPR programming to Rhode Island. "Dan Miller, who is Wheeler’s Head of School, said, “Because we are the license-holder, we can not only bring Rhode Island Public Radio to the FM dial, but we can also help create a permanent home on the AM dial for Latino Public Radio.” The lease-agreement “also creates an affiliation between Wheeler School, Rhode Island Public Radio and National Public Radio, which we consider to be a very positive affiliation.” He said streaming the student show “is actually the way our students listen to the radio these days."

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